About and Contact Pages Wont Redirect from Blogger to Wordpress

I installed the popular plugin for the migration from Blogger to Wordpress. That worked for all the post but not for redirecting my about and contact pages from blogger to wordpress. I have these pages on both platforms but im getting an error message saying the About page does not it exit within the wordpress site. I get the same error when i attempt to access the old contact page. Can someone help?

The redirect not possible for blogger pages to WordPress. When we create pages on blogger blog the URL is something like http://myblog.blogspot.com/p/something.html. If you notice, there is “/p/” in URL, so when we moved to WordPress site, the self hosting consider that /p/ either a directory or any parent page which is actually not present in WordPress setup and hence we got “page not found”.

To overcome with this, you need to manually redirect such pages using any redirection plugin which provide 301 redirection.



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Thanks so much for the explanation Was also facing the same issue but your explanation resolve it all