Fastcgi_cache conditional purging with static posts page

Wordpress Setup:

A test install of WP 4.1 with two static pages:

- Home
- Blog

In WP Settings -> Reading:

Front page displays: A static page
    Front page: Home
    Posts page: Blog

So posts are accessible at

There is one post - “Hello world!”.

If I edit that post, conditional purging works as expected: homepage, archives, categories and the post are correctly purged.

But the page is not purged.

As a hack, I modified nginx-helper/purger.php:

$this->log( "Function purgePost BEGIN ===" );

if ( $rt_wp_nginx_helper->options[ 'purge_homepage_on_edit' ] == 1 ) {
  $homepage_url = trailingslashit( home_url() );
  $homepage_url2 = $homepage_url . 'blog/';

  $this->log( "Purging homepage '$homepage_url'" );
  $this->purgeUrl( $homepage_url );
  $this->purgeUrl( $homepage_url2 );

Ugly, and will be overwritten on update, but it achieves the desired result.

Is there a WP variable or constant set when a static posts page is configured? And can purger.php be modified to act on it?

No comment? Am I the only one using a separate homepage and postpage? :slight_smile: