Install easyengine in different directory?

Is there a way to change the location of how the site is created? currently easyengine creates the site in /var/www/ I want to change the location since I’m running low on space in that location. I mounted a new drive so i want to switch site location to /data/var/www/ Is there any trick to do this?

Hello Ruriko, just move your website data in the folder you want, then edit the root path in nginx configuration /etc/nginx/sites-availables/yourdomain.tld

but wouldn’t that break some of commands in ee? like disabling the site

It will not break ee disable command, but some other may not work properly

I’d do a little different.

  1. ee site create as usual
  2. create in your new hard drive: mkdir /data/var/www/
  3. mv /var/www/* /data/var/www/
  4. rm /var/www/ -rf
  5. ln -s /data/var/www/ /var/www/

The symbolic link will make everything work as if the website was configured on default location, while it’s files would be actually stored wherever you want.

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Great solution, I will copy that somewhere if I need it later.