Media Gallery [Options]

Hi Rtmedia,

This is where people click the media Tab. I like to disabled or hide this “Options” feature not able to add album.

I looked in the setting, not sure which is the right one?

Please advise, help. Thanks

Hi DamnDramaQueen you can add this code at the end of your themes functions.php

remove_filter( ‘rtmedia_gallery_actions’, ‘rtmedia_create_album’, 12 );

Thank you, Yahil

Oh my!

Thanks for your big time help! It’s gone!

This way would be too many area (album) to deal with but just need one.

Thanks so much again.

You are welcome @DamnDramaQueen,

We are glad to hear that we could be of your help.

We are closing this thread for now. Feel free to create new if you have any doubts.
