My Page Redirection Work Perfect But Not Posts Going To Same Post On Wordpress

I’m using your plugin to migrate to blogger and worked 100% great when i installed and setup it on my another domain. But now here is there problem that when i click on my blogger custom domain it should redirect to the same post on wordpress just like on wordpress but it’s showing 404 error.

I selected permalinks to :blush: Post Name.

Note: I’m using custom domain maybe i don’t know what is the problem.

Note 2: When i installed on my another test domain that was subdomain like it works but not on the other my offiical and main domain like to wordpress

Just showing error 404


404 Error - page not found We’re sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn’t exist.


The blogger to WordPress redirection plugin is useful for blogspot domain ( ) to custom domain (

If you are trying to redirect from custom domain from blogger to same custom domain on WordPress, then you just need to change DNS settings and point A records where WordPress is hosted. Also make sure to add .htaccess rules.

Please follow all the instructions mentioned here

