Removing Media Gallery Title

Hello -

I’ve gone to this page - in order to simply remove the Media Gallery title.

I want to replace it with custom images for each gallery that’s going on different pages in my site.

For example, I am going to make a nice big image for the top of this page that will make the Media Gallery title unnecessary.

I tried to add the code below to my child theme’s functions.php but it didn’t do anything.

function change_media_gallery_title( $title ){ $title = ’ '; return $title; } add_filter(‘rtmedia_gallery_title’, ‘change_media_gallery_title’, 10, 1);

Is this still the code I should be using? Is there an easier way to just not have Media Gallery output at all?

Thanks so much in advance.

Hello @rukristin,

Try adding below css code to Custom Css tab under rtMedia admin settings to hide “Media Gallery” title from all media galleries:

.rtmedia-container #rtm-gallery-title-container .rtm-gallery-title { display:none; }


Wonderful - this worked perfectly.

For anyone else, the code and links in my original post only changed the title of each member’s personal gallery - but it did work. I just didn’t see where the change was occurring.

This is the exact solution I was looking for! Thanks again!!!

You are welcome @rukristin,

I am glad to know that your issue has been fixed.

The filter you was using to change the Media Gallery title will work for the user profile media pages. It will not affect the individual page / post galleries created with the help of shortcodes.

Thank you.