Wordpress site - ee site info says html basic

Hi, I recently moved my website created by easyengine from creating it with ip as the url to the actual domain name. I guess I must have messed something up, because when I run

ee site info domain.com 
I get this “Nginx configuration html basic (enabled)”

I have run the command “ee sync”, and then tried to update it , but the updates fail and it destroys the website it seems. Any ideas what I did wrong?

I followed the instructions here to move from ip to domain:

At first backup all your files and database. After that, try ee site update domain.com --wp

I ran your suggestion this tonight, and I still get an error, the log shows the below. So it says wp-config already exists? I am confused on this error. Command Error: e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,746 (INFO) ee : e[94m[e[0mDonee[94m]e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,747 (INFO) ee : e[94mSetting up database e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,747 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mCreating database mysitename_come[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,751 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mDatabase already exists, Updating DB_NAME .. e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,753 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mExceuting MySQL Statement : create database######e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,754 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mCreating user ######e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,754 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mcreate user########Sk@localhostidentified by ''e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,756 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mSetting up user privilegese[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,757 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mExceuting MySQL Statement : grant all privileges on########.* to#########@localhost`e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,758 (INFO) ee : e[94m[e[0mDonee[94m]e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,758 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mChanging directory to /var/www/website.com/htdocs/e[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,759 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mSetting up wp-config filee[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,759 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mGenerating wp-config for WordPress Single sitee[0m 2016-12-07 21:19:43,759 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mbash -c "php /usr/bin/wp --allow-root core config --dbname=’#####’ --dbprefix=‘wp_’ --dbuser=’#####’ --dbhost=‘localhost’ --dbpass= --extra-php<<PHP

define('WP_DEBUG', false);
2016-12-07 21:19:43,932 (DEBUG) ee : e[95mCommand Output: , 
Command Error: Error: The 'wp-config.php' file already exists.
2016-12-07 21:19:43,932 (DEBUG) ee : e[95m'generate wp-config failed for wp single site'e[0m
2016-12-07 21:19:43,933 (INFO) ee : e[94me[91mUpdate site failed.Check logs for reason `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!e[0m


Make a backup of your website, and remove it with ee site delete yourdomain.com, check if EE remove properly all the files and folders and try to create it again.

Sorry for the late reply, but I found a solution. What I had to do was find the EasyEngine db file. (ee.db). Once I found this, I was able to edit the fields to so my html basic site was the correct wpredis, and I also manually added the db credentials. After I edited this, I resynced EE with ee sync, and I was able to update my site to php7 and backups performed correctly

Hi Lancey, how did you edit ee.db? When I tried looking at it with VIM or NANO I saw a bunch of weird characters. (Trying to do a domain name change within EE seems quite hard…)

Hey @peter1,

Sorry I should have mentioned that, I had trouble as well. I used this tool: http://sqlitebrowser.org/, installed it on my computer, and was able to use it to edit the file

Edit: I downloaded ee.db, edited it and reuploaded it.