WP Multisite EE Install, Error on https, default server page on http

Hi All,

I have created an install using EE. I have done the multisite wordpress install with subdomains. The only way I have been able to set up the domains to work correctly has been through using the WPMUDEV domain mapping plugin. The standard one didnt work for me.

When I try to access the site (direct.medaccessmd.com), I am faced with the nginx default server page. When I try to go to https://direct.medaccessmd.com, I get the following error:


I can proceed, and there it shows me the correct site. I am trying to get a similar site up, but I will have a different domain pointed. I have had nothing but issues getting this to work on my server.

My config is an AWS EC2 with an elastic IP running ubuntu 16.04.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance