Media won't fully delete from database?

I noticed a weird bug that if I delete media from the frontend, when I check the database, all sizes of the media will delete except for the size ‘_orig’. Is that supposed to happen? All other sizes including thumbnail sizes and the image without the ‘_orig’ tag deletes.

I have found that when calling the “wp_delete_attachment” function in RTMediaMedia, this does not delete the images with ending “_orig”. Not sure if this is a wordpress issue or RTMedia issue

Found the issue is with the Watermark Pro Addon. After uploading a photo, (for ex: XXXXX_.jpg), before attaching a watermark, RTMedia Watermark plugin creates a file called XXXXX_orig.jpg, that does not have the watermark (a backup file). When now going to delete the uploaded media from the frontend, the wp_delete_attachment function does not consider the XXXXX_orig.jpg photo that is created when deleting the user’s media. Therfore, the XXXXX_orig.jpg continues to exist within the database.