WordPress new multisite subdomain shows nginx welcome screen


I’ve created a WordPress multisite using EasyEngine on Google Compute Engine and everything works perfect, I’ve added a wiled subdomain to my DNS.

Browsing the (mywebsite.com) front-end and back-end (Dashboard) works without problem.

When I created a new subdomain (subdomain1.mywebsite.com) or (subdomain2.mywebsite.com) the back-end (dashboard) for both subdomains are working without any problems but when I tried to open the main website page it’s only showing me the nginx welcome screen.

Hopefully, anyone can help.

Thanks in advance


have you create your website with the option --wpsubdom using EasyEngine ? And do you use IPv6 ?

Hello @virtubox

This is the command I used to create my website using EasyEngine:

ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpfc --php7 --letsencrypt

So basically it creates a WordPress multisite with subdomain + nginx fastcgi_cache and used PHP 7.0 and enabled letsencrypt SSL certificate.

And I’m using only IPv4.


Ok, so you will have to generate your SSL certificates for your subdomains manually because EE doesn’t support subdomains with Let’s Encrypt properly. You can follow my tutorial to generate your SSL certificates with acme.sh : https://kb.virtubox.net/knowledgebase/install-lets-encrypt-ssl-certificate-acme-sh/

Otherwise, you can use Cloudflare Origin certificates because it will provide you a wildcard certificate. A tutorial is available here : https://kb.virtubox.net/knowledgebase/cloudflare-ssl-origin-certificates-nginx/

Thanks a lot @virtubox,

This was the problem, even I couldn’t do it with multisite I installed new WP and created all subdomains as a new WP site.