I can't create a subdomain error error in docker-compose up

Friends, when executing the command:

ee site create vip.wordpressdicas.com.br --wpsubdom

the service is paused and the message below appears:

Warning: There was some error in docker-compose up.

Warning: Initiating clean-up.

I am using the latest version of ee and so far I have not found the solution to the problem even though I have already executed this command in another project.

I’m working with Digital Ocean

| OS | Linux 4.15.0-135-generic #139-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 17:38:24 UTC 2021 x86_ |
| | 64 |
| Shell | /bin/bash |
| PHP binary | /usr/bin/php7.3 |
| PHP version | 7.3.21-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 |
| php.ini used | /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini |
| EE root dir | phar://ee.phar |
| EE vendor dir | phar://ee.phar/vendor |
| EE phar path | /root |
| EE packages dir | |
| EE global config | /opt/easyengine/config/config.yml |
| EE project config | |
| EE version | 4.1.5 |

This is the OLD v3 syntax. You need to use the newer v4 syntax if you have EEv4 installed.
With both the concept of multi-site and subdomains now possible please check out the site creation page in the help and select the proper commands for your needs. If you look at the examples given that should also assist with all the proper commands. You still need to specify that the site TYPE is a Wordpress site as well.

From https://easyengine.io/commands/site/create/#ee-site-create-typewp

But if you are simply just trying to create a site at vip.wordpressdicas.com.br and don’t really have other sites at wordpressdicas.com.br (no subdomain) then just create a site using the standard site create command. No need to specify subdomain unless there are multiple sites using the same name and one is actually a subdomain.

I do that all the time when I create a main site and a testing site. I just run the create command twice with different domain names.

sudo ee site create somesite.com --type=wp --ssl=le
sudo ee site create testing.somesite.com --type=wp --ssl=le

This creates two separate sites with different logins. An alias would allow different URL’s to point to the same site and the multisite would allow different domain names to have different sites, but can be configured so that the login is shared between the sites.

Hello friend alright, thanks for the help.

but follow the guidelines and the error still continues as you can see below;

Starting site creation.

Configuring project.

Creating WordPress site teste.testesites.com

Copying configuration files.

Starting site’s services.

Warning: There was some error in docker-compose up.

Warning: Initiating clean-up.

the funny thing that even upgrading to version v4 had already performed the command and successfully executed, however now I can’t perform this process anymore as you can see the error below:

Warning: There was some error in docker-compose up.
Warning: Initiating clean-up.
[teste.testesites.com] site root removed.
Success: Site youexp.agenciawebsites.com.br deleted.
Report bugs here: https://github.com/EasyEngine/site-type-wp

If you look in /opt/easyengine/logs/ee.log you will find more detailed logs and generally a good pointer to what actually failed to execute. You can use view or nano commands to check out the file.

sudo nano /opt/easyengine/logs/ee.log

scroll to the bottom or to the section where you install fails. see if there are any detailed log entries there. Or copy/paste (clearing out any private information as needed) the logs here.

Speak friend, how are you?

See the log of the last update as directed;

[30-03-2021 02:00:37] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:37] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker volume rm youexpagenciawebsitescombr_log_php
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: STDERR: Error response from daemon: remove youexpagenciawebsitescombr_log_php: volume is in use - [a776d68d580c0e2d20a84fa4e1c0879e6bde31970$
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 1
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker volume rm youexpagenciawebsitescombr_ssl_postfix
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: STDERR: Error response from daemon: remove youexpagenciawebsitescombr_ssl_postfix: volume is in use - [4cce66831d07401a0bcd838fa6517b8ed6266$
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 1
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker cp /tmp/db_exec services_global-db_1:/db_exec
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker exec services_global-db_1 sh db_exec
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker cp /tmp/db_exec services_global-db_1:/db_exec
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:38] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker exec services_global-db_1 sh db_exec
[30-03-2021 02:00:39] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[30-03-2021 02:00:39] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[30-03-2021 02:00:39] ee.INFO: [youexp.agenciawebsites.com.br] site root removed.
[30-03-2021 02:00:39] ee.INFO: ======================== site cleanup end ========================
[30-03-2021 02:00:39] ee.INFO: Report bugs here: https://github.com/EasyEngine/site-type-wp

So it looks like there is something already using that container and it is in use. If you issue the following

sudo ee site list

the list should NOT include the site you are trying to create. If you do not see the site listed there also try

sudo docker ps

and see if what containers are running. What you are looking for is a container process that could be using those volumes. Once you figure out what is using those volumes and you determine that they can safely be deleted then you just have to stop that container process

sudo docker stop <container name>

and then you will be able to remove the volumes. But until you locate and stop the services that are running, they cannot be deleted.

If you do happen to see the site listed in that ee site list command above and it is safe to disable and delete it then issue the following:

sudo ee site disable <yoursitename.com> and

sudo ee site delete <yoursitename.com>

Because Easyengine uses Docker, it is entirely possible that there was an error or something happened and the EE commands are just not robust enough to recover from that error. Knowing a bit about Docker goes a long way in working with EasyEngine.

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Hello Friend, thanks for the tips;

I ran the docker commands here, they are all running normally.

but I didn’t find the youexp.agencia … com.br docker that I was trying to create as a subdomain. I will study a little about structure in docker.

which I find strange that I can create main domains, only subdomains do not.

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